�Report number 2� |
Hi mates,
Finally we are in the land of OZ. So what's this story about a jetlag? Its Friday 22.00 hours local time now and we started our journey on Wednesday around 15.00 from Prague. Quit a while without seeing our bed. The journey had some scary moments because there were some problems before we departed from London. Before the start we were waiting in a thunderstorm and just when the weather cleared the lights in the plane went out. When they were on again we could see a big flow of fuel coming out of the wing. In 5 minutes we were standing in a big puddle of fuel, surrouned by 4 firetrucks. But we took of anyway. All the flight we were scared if we could make Kuala Lumpur on a half empty tank. But as you can read we made it. Allready we lost some of our stuff because Hana was not allowed to take her (big) knife on the plane, so they handeld it as "safety goods". They are problably still handling it in Prague, London or Kuala Lumpur because it never arrived in Sydney. After we checked in our hostel in the famous "Kings Cross" we took of for our first sightseeing of Sydney. It was lovely sunny weather though we didn't need our sunscreen factor 30. During our selfguiding tour we visited the house of parliament (little tour and nice toilet), the botanic garden (horrible flying bats in the trees, wonderful big tropical trees and birds), the Opera House (nothing much, not the "turtles making love" we were promised), the harbour (nice ferry to Manly), Manly beach (romantic sunset) and Kings Cross at night ("fucky fucky one dollar"). Hana again lost a game of Ludo (mens-erger-je-niet/clovece nezlob se) and this time it cost her breakfast tomorrow, so Bart can sleep long. We'll finish now and write more about our adventures later. With love, Hana & Bart |
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